4 research outputs found

    Teatr tańca Brama Chmur w poszukiwaniu chińskiej i tajwańskiej tożsamości kulturowej

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    CLOUD GATE DANCE THEATRE IN SEARCH OF CHINESE AND TAIWANESE CULTURAL IDENTITY This paper shows the dynamics of topical, aesthetical and political changes in the world-known contemporary dance group – Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan (Yunmen Wuji), created by Lin Hwai-min in 1973. Those metamorphoses are observed in a broad socio political and cultural context, in the rapidly changing reality of Taiwan, Mainland China and the whole world at the turn of the 20th and 21st century. Short analyses of the most iconic dance compositions by Lin Hwai-min make it possible to trace the direction of the changes, starting from search for Chinese cultural identity, through the quest for definition of Taiwanese cultural and national identity, gaining the feeling of being rooted in traditional Chinese aesthetics and finally confirming the importance of local Taiwanese tradition as an equally meaningful source of creative inspiration

    Is body mass index associated with asthma in children?

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    Wstęp: Astma oskrzelowa jest chorobą o złożonej patogenezie. Istotnym czynnikiem ryzyka zachorowań i przebiegu choroby jest otyłość. Celem pracy była ocena związku pomiędzy masą ciała a stopniem ciężkości choroby oraz wstępna analiza czynników o potencjalnym wpływie na stan odżywienia u chorych na astmę oskrzelową. Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto 101 dzieci chorych na przewlekłą astmę oskrzelową lekką, umiarkowaną i ciężką. Dane na temat przebiegu choroby uzyskano z wywiadu i analizy dokumentacji lekarskiej. U wszystkich badanych wykonano pomiar masy ciała i wysokości. Wartości wskaźnika masy ciała (BMI) odniesiono do odpowiednich dla wieku siatek centylowych. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 45 zdrowych dzieci w wieku szkolnym. Wyniki: Średnia wartość centyli BMI u dzieci chorych na astmę nie różniła się znacząco w porównaniu z grupą dzieci zdrowych (odpowiednio 53,4 ± 32,3 i 59,5 ± 30,5). U chorych na astmę zaobserwowano wyższe wartości centyli BMI wśród chłopców w porównaniu z dziewczynkami (p = 0,018). Nie stwierdzono statystycznie istotnej zależności pomiędzy wartością centyli BMI a stopniem ciężkości astmy, chociaż zanotowano wyższe wartości centyli BMI wśród chorych chłopców z ciężką astmą przewlekłą. Dawki steroidów wziewnych oraz czas ich stosowania nie miały wpływu na wartości centyli BMI. Alergia pokarmowa i atopowe zapalenie skóry w przeszłości miały wpływ na wartość centyli BMI. Wnioski: Średnia wartość BMI u dzieci chorych na astmę nie różniła się w porównaniu z grupą dzieci zdrowych. Nie stwierdzono zależności pomiędzy wartością BMI a stopniem ciężkości astmy i stosowanym leczeniem glikokortykosteroidami wziewnymi.Introduction: Asthma is a disease with a complex pathogenesis. Obesity seems to be crucial risk factor for the development and worse clinical outcome of the disease. The aim of the study was to assess the relation between the body weight and the severity of asthma and preliminary analysis of factors influencing nutritional status among asthmatic children. Material and methods: Complete data have been available for 101 children with mild persistent, moderate persistent and severe persistent asthma. The questionnaires have been completed according to the physical and spirometric examination, analysis of medical documentation and anamnesis. Weight and height were measured in all children. To estimate the body mass index (BMI) values we used Body Mass Index Percentile Charts for Age. The control group consisted of 45 healthy school children. Results: Mean BMI percentile for age in asthmatic children did not significantly differ from healthy children (53.4 ± 32.3 and 59.5 ± 30.5 respectively). Higher BMI percentiles for the age were observed among boys in comparison to girls (p =0.018). We did not find statistically significant relation between values of BMI percentiles and severity of asthma, although higher BMI values in boys with severe persistent asthma were noticed. Body mass index percentiles did not correlate with time of treatment and the doses of inhaled corticosteroids. Food allergy and atopic dermatitis in the past influenced BMI values. Conclusions: Mean BMI percentile for age in asthmatic children did not significantly differ from healthy children. The correlation between BMI values and severity of asthma and treatment with inhaled corticosteroids were not found

    Is Body Mass Index Associated with Asthma in Children?

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    Introduction: Asthma is a disease with a complex pathogenesis. Obesity seems to be crucial risk factor for the development and worse clinical outcome of the disease. The aim of the study was to assess the relation between the body weight and the severity of asthma and preliminary analysis of factors influencing nutritional status among asthmatic children. Material and methods: Complete data have been available for 101 children with mild persistent, moderate persistent and severe persistent asthma. The questionnaires have been completed according to the physical and spirometric examination, analysis of medical documentation and anamnesis. Weight and height were measured in all children. To estimate the body mass index (BMI) values we used Body Mass Index Percentile Charts for Age. The control group consisted of 45 healthy school children. Results: Mean BMI percentile for age in asthmatic children did not significantly differ from healthy children (53.4 ± 32.3 and 59.5 ± 30.5 respectively). Higher BMI percentiles for the age were observed among boys in comparison to girls (p = 0.018). We did not find statistically significant relation between values of BMI percentiles and severity of asthma, although higher BMI values in boys with severe persistent asthma were noticed. Body mass index percentiles did not correlate with time of treatment and the doses of inhaled corticosteroids. Food allergy and atopic dermatitis in the past influenced BMI values. Conclusions: Mean BMI percentile for age in asthmatic children did not significantly differ from healthy children. The correlation between BMI values and severity of asthma and treatment with inhaled corticosteroids were not found

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